Virtual Care Risk Assessment

eDevelopment Solutions can undertake a risk assessment of your Virtual Care Services.

A risk management process should be used to identify key risks related to the use of technology services and products by telehealth services. Risk management is a four step process:

  • Risk assessment – identification, requires the key risks to telehealth services to be identified by the healthcare organization.
  • Risk assessment – analysis, requires the healthcare organization to analysed the healthcare processes that use telehealth services.
  • Risk assessment – evaluation, requires the healthcare organization to evaluate the risks for all healthcare actors in the healthcare processes that use telehealth services.
  • Risk treatment requires the healthcare organization to create quality plans that contain effective risk treatments for managing risks to the quality objectives of the organization.

The main areas of risk relating to the use of technology services and products by telehealth services are healthcare activities, technology management and information management.  Example performance objectives for each of these areas are provided: